“We are Staying at JPM – How Bad Can It Be?”

In a scenario reminiscent of The Clash’s iconic song “Should I Stay or Should I Go,” First Republic advisors find themselves facing tough decisions. While JPMorgan Chase (JPMC) assures them that they will be treated differently, respecting their unique culture and franchise, skepticism abounds. Advisors are being enticed with promises that their former offices will…

The Arranged Marriage 2.0: Pros and Cons for FRB and JPM

Overall, the acquisition of First Republic’s wealth management business by JPMorgan presents both opportunities and challenges for financial advisors. While the acquisition will give First Republic advisors access to new vast resources, they will also need to navigate the challenges of integration, client retention, and cultural differences. Ultimately, success will depend on the ability of…

The Penalty Box

The Penalty Box – financial advisors are opting to escape the big four wire houses now before it is too late. There have been a record number of top financial advisor teams leaving the big four wire houses for boutique firms or going fully independent themselves. This trend is occurring for a variety of reasons…

Structuring Your Own Deal

Some financial advisors believe it is best to structure a deal on their own. Then there are some who believe using a recruiter is advantageous when shaping a deal. Which line of thinking is best? That depends on your situation, but we hope to provide some answers here to help you make that first step…